About Caitlin


What people are saying about mentoring and coaching with Caitlin:

“Being mentored by Caitlin ... is akin to having a large fairy show up to take you on a marvelous magical deep nature connection journey dipped in sweet mystery, grace and fun.
Caitlin helped me face a fear of heights. That release in my body and success at the ledge has made a real difference translating into more courage in challenging situations....

Caitlin’s mentoring ...has sparked more joy and connection in the wild...with love and a thankful heart” – Marie McCree

“I appreciated the freedom Caitlin gave us to be playful in a way that worked for each of us.  It was quite an edge for me to even imagine that my only job was to have fun … She held a very safe space that allowed me to fully embrace my playful side and I thank her for that.”  – Donna Helete

“I contacted Caitlin for help with a challenging work situation. I was so petrified with self-judgment and dread of doing something wrong in front of my more-experienced co-worker that I couldn't find any creativity for planning. I was ready to quit, but I called Caitlin instead… [Thanks to her guidance] I've been able to find more energy and creativity without getting bogged down in self-doubt and self-judgment.” - Jennifer Bresse

A Word From Caitlin

“Tracking gives us access to our most primal instincts and connections to the earth and the other living beings with which we share it.  It is an art and a science that increases awareness and draws us more deeply into the power of our senses bringing us greater joy, health and vitality. 

I began my journey as a tracker because of a strong desire to serve and to be deeply connected to the mother earth.   I believe that this connection is one of the most essential life gifts that we are here to experience. Tracking is a highly effective tool for demonstrating our interdependence with the earth mother and unleashing our inner freedom.

Tracking takes us deep into the lives of the animals and the wild lands and helps us to better understand ourselves and our place in the ecology of life on earth.  It is time for us to relearn and recreate the stories that bind us to the land and the land to us.  My part is to teach the language of the tracks and the wild so that these stories can began to speak to each person and teach them about the tracks they are leaving and the special gift they are to life. And I hope to help make every step of the journey a joyful one.”

Caitlin C. Williams has been teaching wildlife tracking and wilderness survival for over 15 years.  She  has trained with many well known trackers and taught at many popular wilderness schools.  She currently lives in California teaching tracking and wilderness skills independently and through local organizations and colleges.  She holds level three track and sign identification and level two trailing certificates from Cyber Tracker International.  She has been featured in newspaper and magazine articles on wildlife tracking. 

She also holds a BA in Spanish with a concentration in Humanities from the University of North Carolina and a Permaculture Design Certificate from Regenerative Design Institute.  She assists in studies to monitor wildlife in areas of key connectivity and also designs and teaches nature programs for infants, children, teens and adults.

She has been known to offer guitar and voice lessons, as well as perform and teach her own musical compositions.  She is an accomplished story teller and a holder of native lore and spiritual teachings.  She is also a published author and poet.

Mentoring with Caitlin-Permission to Play: Joy, Health, Freedom and Vitality through Nature and Tracking.


Nature: Wildlife Tracking, Wilderness Survival, Edible Wild Plants, Camouflage and Invisibility, Fire by Friction, Traditional Teaching and Story Telling, Bird Language, Permaculture

Wellness: Certified Massage Therapist, Runner, Yoga, Dance, Martial Arts, Transcendental Meditation

Mentoring: Caitlin  has mentored hundreds of adults and children in nature connection , wilderness skills and techniques for life enrichment.

Caitlin C. Williams